Student Guest Post – Part 1 by Shamline

Student Guest Post

I am not a girl who is very outgoing or social. I mean, I was not anti-social but I just could not reach out to people by myself. You can say that I was shy. I have been studious all my life, even as I was not the brightest kid on the block. I was the type that made your mothers say, “Look how she studies!” I did not play much, was always found hanging around in libraries or sitting on the front bench with my head dipped in books and ears tuned finely to

every word the teacher said.


(I hope that you are noting the use of past tense here.)


So, what was a girl like me doing abroad?

Having the time of my life. Discovering life, actually. That’s what.

It may seem like one of those TeleShopping adverts- this before and after of me. However, this is all true. As much as I hate to admit, it becomes imperative to say that, more than a promise of good education, I was looking to find myself. That was why I wanted to go abroad.


We all have some dreams that we would like to fulfil before we die. Or, we should have those. Mine was to be all by myself, away from all I knew. I wanted to see if I had a chance to stand on my own two feet. I was ready to drop everything and return home at the slightest knock of trouble. That was where I stood.


So, what did I do? I sat down and planned to study overseas for my post-graduation. It was the easiest way out. No parent would deny their child a promise of good education. I chose UK simply because Masters Courses of UK are, almost, unanimously hailed as the best in the world. I shocked my family with my decision to study abroad. Mine is not a conservative family but this was a huge leap of faith. To be frank, I was terrified to my wit’s end. What posed as the major threat was the convincing part.


This was where Study Smart stepped in.


I was browsing through the internet and stumbled upon these wonderful people here. Needless to say that I was apprehensive at the start. I had been to a lot of overseas education consultants before and I was not really satisfied. Nevertheless, I called them up. After the initial briefing, I knew that I could be frank with them. I know that a lot of you would not find anything unusual in this but, for an introvert like me, this was a huge event. It was, precisely, at this moment that everything felt right.


You have those switches, no? That part where something clicks and everything starts to become right. I had that moment. And they had me. It was simple as that.


They heard me out, profiled me and suggested that I go to London. I could hardly argue. They found such good universities and colleges for me that every chance of refusal from my parents almost vanished. They helped with getting my loan and applying for visa. Icing on the cake was their assurance of post-arrival services. They took all my responsibilities upon themselves. Told me to relax and, a feather in their cap, I was relaxed about all this hassle.


I had an accommodation arranged. I had a pick-up from the airport and I was put in touch with other students who would help me to settle down. Some were seniors, some were alumini. Not only they helped me get through all the formalities but they also told me about all the hot-pockets of the city.


It was as if I had grown a pair of wings. All was like a dream. All was like Study Smart promised.

London, that city! It is, obviously, the best and the friendliest cosmopolitan in the world. You have everything there; from avenues of pure fun to utter professionalism. The city really works hard and parties harder. You just feel so alive.


I was prepared for the cultural shock but the devouring of too many sitcoms and series did not go to utter waste. I found it easier to understand their way of life. Some of the things came as pleasant surprises and some as sheer spine-straighteners. Pleasant surprise was to find that we can call our professors by their given name. It is not a formal relation between students and teachers. The teachers and the staff of my college even goes out of their way to help students. A rap on the knuckles is the British professionalism. You have to be on time. If you are running late, you need to inform that you will be late by x-minutes. They take their work very seriously, which is good as long as your work is being done and which is an ear-pulling when you are doing the work.


But I survived. Hell, I enjoyed that surviving. It was like falling in love. Everything was a joy to pursue. No, it was not the phoren stamp that made me go bonkers. It was what the city did to me. You know, when you have to get through by your own, you come to know of your capacity, your capabilities and your perseverance.


I have read that the saints said that travel brings joy and beauty into life. And I would agree wholeheartedly. After all, it happened to me.


I am back here on vacations, for now, and feeling impatient to go back. More than London, my Mother blames Study Smart for making this whole study abroad agenda such a fun adventure for me.


Thank you, guys!

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Student Guest Post Part 2 – Process and Fun Hassles by Shamline

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